Jancis Robinson.
When I started out in the wine business, there were two people neither of which I have ever met that had a huge influence on me. One was Hugh Johnson and the other was Jancis Robinson. Today there is a whole industry of wine commentators all vying for PR spend of mega bucks wineries but it is still frustratingly rare to find writers that have their happy combination of a fine palate and unforced erudition. Because of this, it is a distinct honour that of 84 English wines tas ted on Jancis Robinson.com , only three scored higher than the 17/20 of our 2011 Sparkling. The article is on the purple pages of http://www.jancisrobinson.com/ which are subscription only (something well worth paying for if you're into your wine) but I hope they won't mind me posting it here. Almost everything about English (and Welsh) wine gives cause for cheer. Labelling is getting better and better, with only a few old-fashioned 'cottage industry' style brands remaining. Plenty of n...